Global Manager Upgrade dashboard giving "Something went wrong" after clicking on site specific "Upgrade" button.
This issue occurs when site is added using IP and FQDN published for site using following API:
PUT https://{{manager}}/api/v1/configs/management
"publish_fqdns": true,
"_revision": 0
To resolve this issue through UI:
In the NSX Global Manager UI, go to Location Manager
Choose <Site> and click on Edit Settings
Instead of IP, specify the FQDN of the site and save it.
To resolve this issue through API:
PATCH https://<nsx-global-manager-ip>/global-manager/api/v1/global-infra/sites/<already registered sitename>
"display_name": "<already registered sitename>",
"site_connection_info": [
"fqdn": "<replace the IP with FQDN of site>",
"username": "<username>",
"password": "<password>",
"thumbprint": "<thumbprint>"