How to manually stop and start VMware Cloud Foundation services
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How to manually stop and start VMware Cloud Foundation services


Article ID: 330368


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


This article provides instructions to manually stop or start the VMware Cloud Foundation services.



VMware Cloud Foundation 2.1 and below

  1. Log in to the vrm virtual machine as the root user.
  2. Issue one or more of the following commands:
SDDC Manager: service vrm-watchdogserver stop;service vrm-tcserver stop
Lifecycle Manager: service lcm-watchdogserver stop; service lcm-init stop
Postgres database: service vpostgres stop

Note: Ensure that the appropriate watchdog service is restarted after being stopped.
  1. To restart the Hardware Monitoring Service running on the management switch, log in to the management switch as the cumulus user and issue the following commands:
for PID in $(ps -ef |grep HmsApp |grep -v grep| awk '{print $2}')
kill -9 $PID

Note: It is typically necessary to restart the SDDC Manager process running on the vrm virtiual machine in conjunction with restarting the Hardware Monitoring Service on the management switch.
  1. To stop the Cassandra database or Zookeeper services on any one of the three ISVM virtual machines, login to the appropriate ISVM virtual machine as the root user and issue one of the following commands:
Cassandra database: service cassandraserver stop
Zookeeper service: service zkserver stop

Note: stop can be replaced in all of the above commands with start or restart.

VMware Cloud Foundation 2.2 and later

  1. Log in to the SDDC Manager Controller virtual machine as the root user.
  2. Run this command to stop the System Controller Service:
systemctl stop scs
  1. Run one or more of these commands:
Bringup service: systemctl stop bringup
Bringup UI service: systemctl stop bringup-ui
SDDC Manager: systemctl stop vcfmanager
Hardware Monitoring Service: systemctl stop hms
Lifecyle Manager: systemctl stop lcm
Cassandra database: systemctl stop cassandra
Zookeeper service: systemctl stop zookeeper
Postgres database: systemctl stop postgres
Unbound DNS service: systemctl stop unbound
  1. Run this command to start the System Controller Service:
systemctl start scs

Note: stop can be replaced in all of the above commands with start or restart.

To restart services on the VMware Imaging Appliance, log in as the root user and run this command service via-service stop (or start or restart).