Creating VTEP interface on ESXi host preparation for NSX prepared cluster fails with the error: "The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created"
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Creating VTEP interface on ESXi host preparation for NSX prepared cluster fails with the error: "The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created"


Article ID: 330289


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • Creating VTEP interface on ESXi host preparation for NSX prepared cluster fails.
  • A resync on the cluster results in errors similar to:

    2017-03-24 16:27:15.326 EDT INFO TaskFrameworkExecutor-22 VdnHostInstallationServiceImpl:620 - Found 0 vxlan vmknics on host host-388, updating the DB...
    2017-03-24 16:27:15.330 EDT INFO TaskFrameworkExecutor-22 VdnHostInstallationServiceImpl:803 - Host host-388 has 0 vxlan vmknics.
    2017-03-24 16:27:15.330 EDT INFO TaskFrameworkExecutor-22 VdnHostInstallationServiceImpl:623 - Vmknics on host host-388 resynced.
    2017-03-24 16:27:15.341 EDT INFO TaskFrameworkExecutor-2 DvsManagerServiceImpl:66 - 1 dvs shown on host host-634.
    2017-03-24 16:27:15.341 EDT INFO TaskFrameworkExecutor-2 PrepareVdsHostTask:398 - Not detected VXLAN opaque data missing on host host-634, skip repush the opaque data.
    2017-03-24 16:27:20.371 EDT INFO taskScheduler-24 PrepareVdsHostTask:186 - 0 vmknics already created for host host-634
    2017-03-24 16:27:20.371 EDT INFO taskScheduler-24 EventBsdFtrMgrImpl:282 - Preparing to transactionally update resource: host-634, with feature status: com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan
    2017-03-24 16:27:20.373 EDT INFO taskScheduler-24 EventBsdFtrMgrImpl:305 - Resource host-634 had a Feature com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan status entry. Updating existing entry.
    2017-03-24 16:27:20.375 EDT INFO taskScheduler-24 EventBsdFtrMgrImpl:284 - Transactionally updated resource: host-634, with feature status: [resourceId : host-634, featureId : com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan, featureVersion : 5.5, status : YELLOW, installed : true, errorStatus : ]
    2017-03-24 16:27:20.464 EDT INFO taskScheduler-24 VcDriver:538 - Opaque data action add being applied...
    2017-03-24 16:27:20.478 EDT INFO taskScheduler-24 PrepareVdsHostTask:221 - Creating vmknic on host host-634 pg dvportgroup-152 ipaddress
    2017-03-24 16:27:20.485 EDT INFO taskScheduler-24 VdnHostManagementServiceImpl:110 - Using vxlan tcp stack for VXLAN vmknic on host host-634.
    2017-03-24 16:27:20.566 EDT ERROR taskScheduler-24 PrepareVdsHostTask:259 - The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created
    obj = com.vmware.vim.binding.vmodl.ManagedObjectReference@cdcdad02
    inherited from com.vmware.vim.binding.vmodl.fault.ManagedObjectNotFound: The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created

  • dvportgroup-xxx referenced by NSX Manager is not found in vDS, and there are no port groups with a name that starts with "vxw-vmknicPg-dvs" in the vDS


VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.x


To resolve this issue, reboot the vCenter Server.