- You are using NSX-V with a Cross-vCenter environment
- East-West traffic is not effected
- The issue effects newly added hosts located in the secondary site but only routes listed in the UDLR routing tables.
- Check the routes on the UDLR
- Use the command show ip route from the console of the DLR control VM. You should see the routes listed
- Check the routes on the ESXi host
- Use net-vdr -l -I to list the VDR name required for the next command
[root@HQ-ESXi-Prod-01a:~] net-vdr -l -I
VDR Instance Information :
Vdr Name: edge-1
- Next list the routes for the DLR instance running on the host using net-vdr --route -l edge-XXX - This will list the routes available on that host
[root@HQ-ESXi-Prod-01a:~] net-vdr --route -l edge-1
VDR edge-1 Route Table
Legend: [U: Up], [G: Gateway], [C: Connected], [I: Interface]
Legend: [H: Host], [B: Blackhole], [F: Soft Flush] [!: Reject] [E: ECMP]
Destination GenMask Gateway Flags Ref Origin UpTime Interface HitCount
----------- ------- ------- ----- --- ------ ------ --------- -------- UG 1 AUTO 952989 138800000004 3 UCI 1 MANUAL 1116451 13880000000a 1
- You will note on the problematic host the routes are not updating. This is caused by the hosts not learning the BGP routes
- For a problematic host, the localeid is all 0's
- Use net-vdr -C -l on the host to list the host locale Id
Host locale Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
NOTE: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.