Retrieving the VPN IPSEC statistics from the option "SHOW IPSEC STATISTICS" fails
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Retrieving the VPN IPSEC statistics from the option "SHOW IPSEC STATISTICS" fails


Article ID: 330264


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • Retrieving the VPN IPSEC statistics from the option "SHOW IPSEC STATISTICS" fails
  • Clicking on "show ipsec statistics" under the VPN tab of the edge, the statistics indicates that its trying to retrieve the information and never completes
  • Manually accessing the edge using the VM console shows up all the tunnels fine
  • Using the API call https://NSXMGR_IP/api/4.0/edges/edgeId/ipsec/statistics" to the fetch the statistics also never completes
  • In the vsm.log, you see entries similar to:

    2017-03-24 07:37:32.638 UTC INFO edgeVseMonitoringThread SystemEventDaoImpl:133 - [SystemEvent] Time:'Fri Mar 24 07:37:32.635 UTC 2017', Severity:'Medium', Event Source:'edge-6', Code:'30033', Event Message:'NSX Edge VM not responding to health check.', Module:'NSX Edge Health Check', Universal Object:'false'
    2017-03-24 07:37:32.648 UTC INFO edgeVseMonitoringThread SystemEventDaoImpl:133 - [SystemEvent] Time:'Fri Mar 24 07:37:32.645 UTC 2017', Severity:'Medium', Event Source:'edge-58', Code:'30033', Event Message:'NSX Edge VM not responding to health check.', Module:'NSX Edge Health Check', Universal Object:'false'
    2017-03-24 07:37:32.658 UTC INFO edgeVseMonitoringThread SystemEventDaoImpl:133 - [SystemEvent] Time:'Fri Mar 24 07:37:32.654 UTC 2017', Severity:'Medium', Event Source:'edge-21', Code:'30033', Event Message:'NSX Edge VM not responding to health check.', Module:'NSX Edge Health Check', Universal Object:'false'
    2017-03-24 07:37:32.668 UTC INFO edgeVseMonitoringThread SystemEventDaoImpl:133 - [SystemEvent] Time:'Fri Mar 24 07:37:32.665 UTC 2017', Severity:'Medium', Event Source:'edge-45', Code:'30033', Event Message:'NSX Edge VM not

    Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.x


This issue occurs because the VSFWD channel is down or not started.


To resolve this issue, start the VSFWD service on the host where the edge is hosted.