<Date>T<Time>Z cpu16:11678989)Net: 2312: connected pfrdmwsweba01_clone.eth0 eth0 to vDS, portID <ID>
cpu16:11678989)Net: 3127: associated dvPort<ID>
with portID<ID>
cpu16:11678989)DVFilter: 3564: Could not find filter 'serviceinstance-#'
cpu16:11678989)DVFilter: 5507: Failed to add filter serviceinstance-# on vNic 0 slot 4: Not found
cpu16:11678989)WARNING: Net: 3159: DVFilterActivateCommon failed: Failure
cpu16:11678989)Net: 3348: dissociate dvPort <ID> from port <ID>
cpu16:11678989)Net: 3354: disconnected client from port <ID>
This is as per design. All the VM's in the cluster have a filter to redirect traffic to the 3rd Party VM and when you migrate the VM to a non-prepared cluster its vNic get disconnected as the cluster is not prepared for that service.
- Apply security group to security policy.
- Change the value of failOpen key to true in the service profile
- Publish service profile.
- Reapply security policy to the security group.
- Remove binding of security group / dvportgroup / virtual wire from service profile.
- Change value of failOpen key in service profile to true.
- Publish service profile.
- Add security group / dvportgroup / virtual wire to service profile binding.
Note: This solution is not recommended for security reasons. Putting the security policy to failOpen means that if the security policy check fails, the communication will stay open.