Creating a new network in vCloud Director fails with the error: The requested object : vdnscope-# could not be found. Object identifiers are case sensitive
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Creating a new network in vCloud Director fails with the error: The requested object : vdnscope-# could not be found. Object identifiers are case sensitive


Article ID: 330224


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VMware NSX


  • Creating a new network in vCloud Director fails.
  • You see the error:

    [ b508ec5a-####-####-####-fd466e800aef ] Cannot deploy organization VDC network (f39f43e9-####-####-####-2e899ca21b57)
    com.vmware.vcloud.fabric.nsm.error.VsmException: VSM response error (202): The requested object : vdnscope-4 could not be found. Object identifiers are case sensitive.
    com.vmware.vcloud.fabric.nsm.error.VsmException: VSM response error (202): The requested object : vdnscope-4 could not be found. Object identifiers are case sensitive.
    VSM response error (202): The requested object : vdnscope-4 could not be found. Object identifiers are case sensitive.


VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.x


This issue occurs if you have changed or deleted the transfer scope in NSX manager and vCloud Director database is not updated with the new value. When vCloud Director attempts to communicate with NSX to create the new network, it calls with a vdnscope that no longer exists.


Contact Broadcom support for assistance with troubleshooting this issue.