Display issues in vSphere web client with NSX 6.4.x when using Internet Explorer 11
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Display issues in vSphere web client with NSX 6.4.x when using Internet Explorer 11


Article ID: 330208


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • Firewall rules are not displayed in the Firewall menu when using Internet Explorer 11
  • Rendering - List pages not getting rendered
  • Blank Dialogs
  • OK/Cancel buttons on dialog doesn't complete the operations as the communication between dialog and parents view breaks
  • The application performance in IE is quite low


Supported browsers are:
Microsoft Edge version 38 and later
Google Chrome version 50 and later

As mentioned in https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-NSX-for-vSphere/6.4/rn/nsx-vsphere-client-65-functionality-support.html

This issue is planned to be fixed in future release.

Additional Information

NSX HTML infrastructural currently do not fully support the IE browser engine. Also, the browsers runtime performance required to run some of the modules such as the firewall was below the expectations.

Note that this behavior is a cosmetic issue and does not have any functional impact on the application behavior.