"The entity vCenter Server is busy completing an operation" error when refreshing storage policies in Cloud Director
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"The entity vCenter Server is busy completing an operation" error when refreshing storage policies in Cloud Director


Article ID: 330112


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • Unable to refresh storage policies in VMware Cloud Director.
  • You see the error:

    "The entity vCenter Server is busy completing an operation"

  • Some of storage policies do not display correctly.


VMware Cloud Director 10.x


This issue occurs when vCloud Director is out of sync with vCenter Server and the information contained in the temporary inventory tables needs to be updated.


The workaround for this issue requires modification of the Cloud Director database.

For assistance, contact Broadcom Support and note this Article ID (330112) in the problem description. For more information, see Creating and managing Broadcom support cases .