VMware Aria Operations Cloud Proxy upgrade check is disabled
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VMware Aria Operations Cloud Proxy upgrade check is disabled


Article ID: 330065


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • One or more VMware Aria Operations (formerly known as vRealize Operations) Cloud Proxies fail to upgrade automatically.
  • Running the cprc-cli --status | grep "Automated upgrade enabled"
     command in the console of the Cloud Proxy node shows the output:
    Automated upgrade enabled: [False]


VMware vRealize Operations 8.10.x
VMware vRealize Operations 8.5.x
VMware vRealize Operations 8.6.x
VMware vRealize Operations 8.4.x
VMware Aria Operations 8.12.x
VMware Aria Operations 8.14.x
VMware Aria Operations 8.16.x
VMware Aria Operations 8.18.x


After a previous reboot, a service failed to complete its execution.


To resolve this issue, simply perform a guest shutdown on the Cloud Proxy from vCenter.

To validate that the issue is resolved, complete the following.

  1. Log into the Cloud Proxy as root via SSH or Console, pressing ALT+F1 in a Console to log in.
  2. Run the following command:
cprc-cli --status | grep "Automated upgrade enabled"
  1. The output should show Automated upgrade enabled: [True].  If it does not, perform a guest shutdown on the Cloud Proxy again.