Installing async drivers in ESXi using esxcli and async driver VIB file
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Installing async drivers in ESXi using esxcli and async driver VIB file


Article ID: 330037


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VMware vSphere ESXi


This KB gives instructions for installing async drivers in ESXi using esxcli and async driver VIB file


To install async drivers using esxcli and the async driver VIB file:
  1. Extract the contents of the async driver zip file.
  2. Identify the file(s).
  3. Extract the contents of the file(s).
  4. Identify the async-driver.vib file(s).
  5. Log in to the ESXi host using the vSphere Client with administrator privileges, such as root.
  6. Using Datastore Browser, upload the async-driver.vib file(s) to an ESXi host’s datastore.
  7. Enter the host into maintenance mode.
  8. Log in as root to the ESXi console through SSH or iLO/DRAC.
  9. Run this command to install drivers from the VIB file:

    esxcli software vib install –v /path/async-driver.vib

    Note: This command requires an absolute path.

    For example:

    esxcli software vib install –v /vmfs/volumes/datastore/async-driver.vib

    Note: If hostd is not responding, try using localcli instead of esxcli.

    For example:

    localcli software vib install –v /vmfs/volumes/datastore/async-driver.vib
  10. Restart the ESXi host.
  11. To confirm if the VIB is installed successfully, run this command:

    esxcli software vib list | grep -i vib_name
  12. Exit maintenance mode.
Note: An ESXi host can be updated remotely using the esxcli utility, which is part of the vSphere CLI. For more information on using esxcli, see the vSphere Command-Line Interface Documentation.

Additional Information

使用 esxcli 和异步驱动程序 VIB 文件在 ESXi 5.x 和 6.x 中安装异步驱动程序
ESXi 5.x と 6.0 で esxcli および非同期ドライバ VIB ファイルを使用した非同期ドライバのインストール

Video link for installing drivers: