[VMC on AWS] Common DHCP Issue Troubleshooting
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[VMC on AWS] Common DHCP Issue Troubleshooting


Article ID: 329942


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VMware Cloud on AWS


Quick troubleshooting guide for common VMC on AWS DHCP issues.

  • Inability to enable/disable DHCP on a network segment
  • DHCP is not handing out leases
  • No network connectivity on a DHCP segment



Symptom(s): DHCP is not handing out leases even though the DHCP IP Range is set/No network connectivity on a DHCP segment.


Resolution: Double check the compute gateway firewall & distributed firewall rules. Make sure there is no rule blocking access on inner-segment traffic between the VM and the NSX Default Gateway. This can further be verified by creating a test network segment with DHCP enabled. This test segment should be handing out leases as expected, so long as the CGW firewall rules have not been modified. Alternatively, try statically assigning a valid IP address in the network segments range to see if network connectivity is working without DHCP.


If both of these tests fail, contact VMware Support.