[VMC on AWS] Configuring the SNMP monitoring on the VMC vCenters.
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[VMC on AWS] Configuring the SNMP monitoring on the VMC vCenters.


Article ID: 329917


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


The purpose of this document is to provide information regarding the unavailability of configuring SNMP settings in VMC on AWS.

When tried to configure the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) monitoring on the VMC vCenters, the "SNMP receivers" option is available but the edit option is grayed out as shown below: 


By design of the product, VMC on AWS does not support the editing of SNMP settings and hence it's grayed out.


Manual configuration of SNMP is not possible in VMC due to lesser permissions granted to the users in the SDDC environment. However, the option to set up email alerts for vCenter alarms is available through vRealize Log Insight Cloud (vRLIC).

There are different applications and tools that can be used to monitor the cloud SDDC such as Wavefront and vRealize Operations (VROPs) that are proposed by VMware. However, the use of APIs is highly recommended.