[VMC on AWS] Network Segments are shown as Failed State within VMC Console Post 1.20 SDDC Upgrade
Article ID: 329901
Updated On:
VMware Cloud on AWS
To clarify and provide a resolution for the customer.
Symptoms: Customers may notice that their network segments appear in a failed state after an SDDC upgrade from 1.18 to 1.20. When clicking on 'Failed', it shows a Realization Error java.lang.NullPointerException.
This is currently a known bug that is being investigated post 1.20 SDDC upgrades.
The issue is fixed in version 1.22.
Workaround: Please create a Support Request with VMware Global Support to remediate the issue.
Additional Information
Impact/Risks: This is a UI error and there should be no operational impact to the affected segments. However, this may prevent from making any configuration changes to the network segments as it will not get updated in a failed state.