Cloud Portal
[VMC on AWS] Creating an SDDC with AWS CloudFormation template fails with an error on AWS console
[VMC on AWS] Types of VMC Failure Simulations Available
[VMC on AWS] Using third-party backup or replication solutions with VMware Cloud on AWS
[VMC on AWS] Programmatically finding if a specific vCenter is hosted in a VMC on AWS SDDC
Handling Split Brain scenario in vSphere
[VMC on AWS] Unable to add a user other than [email protected]
[VMC on AWS] vCenter task encounters error "An error occurred while downloading depot metadata" every 24 hours
[VMC] Information on Penetration and Security testing against VMware Cloud
[VMC on AWS] Storage Sensitive Application Best Practice
[VMC] Understanding Automated Retrofit and Partition Placement Groups (PPG)
[VMC] Updating VMC vSAN Storage Policies in Bulk
[VMC on AWS] Common DHCP Issue Troubleshooting
VMware Cloud on AWS - VMs running on VMC can't communicate with connected Amazon VPC network
[VMC on AWS] Default Direct Connect BGP Local ASN in VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC
[VMC on AWS] Bandwidth does not increase even if ECMP for Route Based IPSec VPN is enabled
[VMC on AWS ] Routed network may stop working if network address is used as on-prem endpoint device address
[VMC on AWS] Subnet overlap error while creating Route based vpn tunnel
[VMC] Cloud vCenter Firewall Security Best Practices
Roles and Permissions
Adding/Removing AD groups to the CloudAdminGroup via apiexplorer
[VMC on AWS] Create, update, and remove roles with the MOB
[VMC on AWS] How to use 'Containerized Permissions'
Hybrid Linked Mode (HLM)
[VMC on AWS] Collecting and Uploading the vCenter Cloud Gateway log bundle
[VMC on AWS] Decommission a vCenter Cloud Gateway
[VMC on AWS] Hybrid Linked Mode: Unable to edit the CloudAdmin groups after vCenter Cloud Gateway re-deployment
[VMC on AWS] Unable to add permissions with Hybrid Linked Mode using the vCenter Cloud Gateway
[VMC on AWS] Unable to see the on-premise or the VMC on AWS vCenter inventories with Hybrid Linked Mode
[VMC on AWS] Unable to migrate virtual machines after configuring Hybrid Linked Mode
[VMC on AWS] Assigning a non CloudAdmin role to an AD user fails with the error: User does not exist
[VMC on AWS] Unable to see the VMware Cloud on AWS vCenter inventory with Hybrid Linked Mode
[VMC on AWS] vCenter Cloud Gateway - Manually reset the MACHINE_SSL certificate
Hybrid Cloud Extension (HCX)
[VMC on AWS] Update DNS settings for the On-Premise HCX Manager
[VMC on AWS] How to check HCX appliances status in CLI.
[VMC on AWS] HCX RAV is not enabled by Default
[VMC on AWS] "RuntimeException: HCX authentication failed or HCX server is unreachable" is displayed on HCX plug-in.
[VMConAWS] HCX Mobility Agent host randomly gets disconnected from vCenter Server after established Service Mesh
[VMC on AWS] Unable to Switchover during HCX Bulk Migration
Steps to Run Perftest in HCX
[VMC on AWS] HCX Service Mesh creation fails with the error "Service Insertion config not found, while configuring logical switches!"
[VMC on AWS] Unable to create HCX Interconnect and Network Extension tunnels when on-prem and cloud are communicating over VPN
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)
Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)
VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR)
[VCDR] VMware SoC notification of a security flaw in the configuration related to VMC SDDC's gateway firewall rules
VMware Cloud Services Federation
[CSP] Federation Self-Service Flow Process & Overview
Note: This is a work in progress. This list of articles will continue to be updated.