[VMC on AWS] HCX Service Mesh deployment fails with externalNetwork does not have sufficient free IPs
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[VMC on AWS] HCX Service Mesh deployment fails with externalNetwork does not have sufficient free IPs


Article ID: 329481


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


HCX Service Mesh deployment is failing with the error: 'Network externalNetwork does not have sufficient free IPs 2 required for appliances'


This error generally occurs when there are insufficient Public IPs available in VMC SDDC.


Refer to steps below:
  1. Login to vmc.vmware.com.
  2. Select Network & Security tab > Public IPs.
  3. Check if there are any free IPs available under the Public IP section.
  4. Incase an IP is available, assign/use it for the Service Mesh.
  5. If no free IPs are available then click on Request New IP.
  6. Once the IP is available in VMC console, assign it to the externalNetwork Network Profile within the Cloud HCX Manager.
  7. Proceed with the re-deployment of Service Mesh.

Additional Information

Request or Release a Public IP Address: https://via.vmw.com/EUSb