SDDC Provisioning prerequisites
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SDDC Provisioning prerequisites


Article ID: 329418


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


Provisioning SDDC reports an internal error if you are not using the default networking parameters created by AWS. 
"An internal error has occurred  We could not load your AWS VPCs and subnets, please try again"


When working with VMC and using setting other than what is default, settings need to be manually set/updated. You will need to manually execute the following steps when not using the default settings created by AWS.

To Manually update settings:
  1. Login to the AWS Management Console to Create a New Default Virtual Private Connection (VPC). Services, Network and Content Delivery, and Then VPC.
  2. Create the VPC,by using VPC option 
  3. Under the Create VPC section provide the IPv4 Cider Block. AWS typically provides a CIDR block of block, and click yes create
  4. Click on the Subnets Tab
  5. Create Subnets for each availability zone 
  6. Click Internet Gateways Tab
  7. Create Internet Gateway by providing Name tag
  8. Associate a Virtual Private Connection (VPC) to Internet Gateway, by right clicking and selecting the Attach to VPC option.
  9. Under the Attach VPC section select a VPC from the drop list, and click Attach to complete
  10. To validate Internet Gateway connectivity to the VPC , click on the Route Tables, select the newly created VPC.
  11. Under the the Routes Tab manually , Click the Edit Button, add the route, by clicking in the Destination field and adding the, and then define the Target which should be auto populated.
Once the above steps have been completed we should now be able to create the SDDC as desired.

Additional Information

For more details on AWS availability Zones and Subnets please see the following AWS documentation:
  • VPCs and Subnets - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
  • Get started with Amazon VPC by creating a VPC and subnets