In a typical Tomcat/tc Server installation, various types of logs are generated in the logs folder while the server is running.
You can find these types of log files in the logs directory:
- Console log
- catalina.out
- wrapper.log
- tomcatX-stdout.log
- tomcatX-stderr.log
- Java logs
- catalina.[date].log
- localhost.[date].log
- Access log
- localhost_access_log.[date].log
You may see these log files if the corresponding manager, host-manager, and admin application of Tomcat are installed:
The name of the logs given here are just for indicative purpose and the date pattern could be something like YYYY-MM-DD. It is possible to change the name and date format of the logs. The Tomcat application specific logs are generated in accordance with the application. Below is a short description of the above three types of logs:
Console log
When running in Unix/Linux, console output is redirected to a file named catalina.out, which is the sink for System.out and System.err. This file is not managed by logging facilities. In a Windows environment, this log is named tomcatx-stdout.log and tomcatx-stderr.log [1]. In Tomcat/tc Server it is named wrapper.log. This log is not rotated by default, as it requires external programs for rotation.
For more information, see the See Also field of this article.
Java logs
Tomcat uses java.util.logging by default for logging. This can be defined globally (using in the conf directory), or locally in per application The default global configuration defines two log files - catalina.[date].log and localhost.[date].log. The file - catalina.[date].log file caters for Catalina engine logs. The localhost.[date].log file is more application related. Alternatively, log4j may be used to configure these logs.
For more information, see the logging section of Tomcat and tc Server official documentation.
Access log
Access log can be used to collect request processing metrics by Tomcat. Access logs allow you to analyze request processing time, request method, page hit count, session activity, and more. You can configure access logs for context, host, or engine.
For a full list of capabilities and configuration options, see the access log valve section of your Tomcat documentation.