VMware Tools version remains unchanged even after successful upgrade operation on a Windows guest
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VMware Tools version remains unchanged even after successful upgrade operation on a Windows guest


Article ID: 329063


Updated On: 09-07-2018


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • When a virtual machine is remediated in the VUM to upgrade VMware Tools, the guest is rebooted but VMware Tools version remains unchanged after remediation is complete.
  • When VMware Tools upgrade is performed from vSphere UI or through UpgradeTools VIM API, the operation appears successful but VMware Tools version remains unchanged.
Note: This article applies to VMware Tools 10.3.x for Windows.


VMware Tools 10.3.x depends on and ships Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable version 14.x. While preparing the system for VMware Tools 10.3.x installation, Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable is installed on the system as a prerequisite. This may need a system restart depending on the state of the system. For more information, see KB 55798.


To resolve this issue, attempt to upgrade VMware Tools again:
  • If using VUM - Remediate the VM again
  • If using vSphere UI - Repeat the operation
  • If using VIM API - Re-invoke the UpgradeTools API