Manually resolving LiveInstallationError in NSX-T
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Manually resolving LiveInstallationError in NSX-T


Article ID: 329046


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VMware NSX


  • You see the LiveInstallationError in the error list on UI as well as API.
  • You see the following error messages similar to:

    NSX components not installed successfully on compute-manager discovered node. Failed to install software on host. Host uninstall failed. Failed to clean vibs - [LiveInstallationError] Error in running ['/etc/init.d/nsx-datapath', 'stop', 'remove']: Return code: 1 Output: Errors: Unable to unload module nsx-dne: Busy stop remove begin Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/etc/init.d/nsx-datapath", line 562, in <module> unloadKernelModules() File "/etc/init.d/nsx-datapath", line 519, in unloadKernelModules localcliUnloadModule(modName) File "/etc/init.d/nsx-datapath", line 511, in localcliUnloadModule raise Exception('Failed to unload module %s: %s' % (moduleName, out)) Exception: Failed to unload module nsx-dne: It is not safe to continue. Please reboot the host immediately to discard the unfinished update. Please refer to the log file for more details..


VMware NSX-T


This issue occurs when host preparation fails to clean old VIBs.


This issue is resolved in NSX-T 2.1.0, available at VMware Downloads.

To work around this issue if you do not want to upgrade, you need to manually clean all the VIBs by running the force remove option and then perform resolve on the install failure.

These are the commands to remove VIBs from various hypervisors:
  • ESXi - esxcli software vib remove --vibname=<vib-name> --force --no-live-install
  • Ubuntu KVM - dpkg --purge --force-all <vib-name>
  • RHEL KVM - rpm -ev --nodeps <vib-name>

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