In a NIC teamed environment where multiple uplinks are configured for a virtual switch and a port channel or LACP is not configured on the physical switch, the vSwitch will receive a multicast or broadcast packet from the physical network on each vSwitch uplink in the NIC team. All traffic received by the vSwitch will be forwarded to the virtual portgroup in promiscuous mode so the virtual machine guest OS will receive multiple multicast or broadcast packets.
For more information on promiscuous mode, see How promiscuous mode works at the virtual switch and portgroup levels.
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/ReversePathFwdCheckPromisc -i 1
esxcli system settings advanced list -o /Net/ReversePathFwdCheckPromisc Path: /Net/ReversePathFwdCheckPromisc Type: integer Int Value: 1 Default Int Value: 0 Min Value: 0 Max Value: 1 String Value: Default String Value: Valid Characters: Description: Block duplicate packet in a teamed environment when the virtual switch is set to Promiscuous mode.
net-stats -l | grep <VM name> 67108871 5 7 DvsPortset-1 00:0c:29:82:24:cf <VM name>.eth2
2. Check the stats of the portgroup using the port number from the output of command #1 (bolded section indicates the filter is applied):
vsish -e get /net/portsets/DvsPortset-1/ports/67108871/outputStats io chain stats { starts:8749231 resumes:0 inserts:0 removes:0 errors:0 pktsStarted:9011842 pktsPassed:4508858 pktsDropped:0 pktsCloned:9011785 pktsFiltered:4502984 pktsFaulted:0 pktsQueued:0 pktErrors:0 pktsInjected:0 functions: PRE_FILTER <VLAN_OutputProcessor@(etherswitch)#<None>:0x43014f8b6e10> pktsStarted:9011842 pktsPassed:9011842 pktsDropped:0 pktsFiltered:0 pktsQueued:0 pktsFaulted:0 pktsInjected:0 pktErrors:0 FILTER <Team_ReverseFilterPerList@(etherswitch)#<None>:0x43014f8b6b90> pktsStarted:9011842 pktsPassed:4508858 pktsDropped:0 pktsFiltered:4502984 pktsQueued:0 pktsFaulted:0 pktsInjected:0 pktErrors:0 TERMINAL <<VM Name>.eth2:0x0> pktsStarted:4508858 pktsPassed:0 pktsDropped:4508858 no client stats maintained }
The above output shows that Team_ReverseFilter is attached to the vSwitch port and it is filtering packets.