HCX Unable to remove site pairing if the remote site is already unavailable
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HCX Unable to remove site pairing if the remote site is already unavailable


Article ID: 328986


Updated On:


VMware HCX


Trying to remove a site paring that is already down due to the remote peer being unavailable, the process takes a long time and it eventually fails to remove the entry.

This is a secondary function on HCX Cloud Manager since the paring is always managed from HCX Connector, except for Cloud to Cloud site pairing.


The workflow to remove the site pairing fails to validate a response from the remove peer as it is already unavailable.


Issue is resolved from service update R142 onward.
Upgrade to R142 or later.
Once upgraded the user can use the vCenter console with an administrative account and use the "DISCONNECT" option on the HCX UI.
The process may require several minutes to complete all validations before proceeding to remove the inactive site pairing.
Ensure there is no Service Mesh configured for that pairing prior to attempting to remove it.

If the peer was reinstated and became available again, the site pairing can be edited to reconnect to it and the session will be restored.

Additional Information

This is a cosmetic issue that has no impact on any functionality.