Recover HCX Connector or Cloud Manager after datastore failure
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Recover HCX Connector or Cloud Manager after datastore failure


Article ID: 328982


Updated On:


VMware HCX


Provide a procedure to attempt to recover the HCX Connector or Cloud Manager VM


  • HCX Connector or Cloud Manager services are unresponsive
  • VM is unable to boot, waiting in Single User Mode prompt
  • VM may still be active on the network and reply to ICMP requests
  • HCX appliance boots into emergency mode


After a datastore failure, the VM is unable to mount one or more file systems


In the event that the recovery process described in the workaround fails, restore VM from backup
If a backup is not available, re-deployment will be necessary.


  • Access VM console through vCenter
  • Single User Mode requires ROOT password
  • Identify unmounted file systems during boot up (i.e. /common )
  • Run fsck on all file systems that failed to mount:
    • fsck -y /common
  • Reboot
  • Verify VM is able to boot
  • Clean up mongoDB (mongoDB is deprecated as of HCX 4.3.x)
    • Access console via vCenter or SSH into VM as "admin"
    • mongod -repair

If the root ( / ) file system is corrupted, the VM should be considered unrecoverable.

Additional Information


  • All HCX management services will be down due to the system not being able to boot.
  • NE appliances will remain operational and the L2C data path will continue to forward traffic. 
  • All migration and configuration workflows will not be serviced.
  • There is no risk in executing the workaround procedure as the VM may be considered unrecoverable already.