HCX - How to restart HCX Manager services.
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HCX - How to restart HCX Manager services.


Article ID: 328973


Updated On:


VMware HCX


Explain the steps to restart the HCX services from HCX UI and CLI.

After applying configuration changes in the HCX manager it will require a restart of the services.


To restart services (source and cloud):
  • Using HCX Manager UI:
    • Access HCX Manager on port 9443
    • Click the button to stop the service and then restart it once the option is available
    • image.png
    •  Refresh the browser and confirm that the services are up and running.
  • Using CLI:
    • SSH HCX Manager
    • Use "admin" credentials to SSH into the HCX Connector or Cloud Manager and change the user to "root".
    • Restart the services as shown below:
      • # systemctl restart app-engine
      • # systemctl restart web-engine
      • # systemctl restart appliance-management
    • Validate that the services are running again.
      • # systemctl status app-engine
      • # systemctl status web-engine
      • # systemctl status appliance-management