Identify a known issue with invalid Windows GuestOS settings that will cause OSAM failure.
HCX Operating System Assisted Migration (OSAM) will fail to instantiate the VM on the target vCenter.
The error in the HCX Cloud Manager's app.log will show:
2022-00-00 00:00:06.221 UTC [OsAssistedMigrationService_SvcThread-XXX, Ent: HybridityAdmin, , TxId: TxId: <id>] ERROR c.v.v.h.s.m.h.OsAssistedMigrationUtil- Task Failed. {"fault":{"@xsi:type":"InvalidDeviceSpec","property":"macAddress","deviceIndex":4},"localizedMessage":"Invalid configuration for device '4'."}
2022-00-00 00:00:06.436 UTC [OsAssistedMigrationService_SvcThread-XXX, Ent: HybridityAdmin, , TxId: TxId: <id>] ERROR Failed in executing subworkflow Instantiate VM workflow - Invalid configuration for device '4'. migrationId: <id>