When creating or editing a network profile in HCX, it does not see the standard port groups for the Management or vMotion vmkernel adapters.
VMware HCX
VMware vCenter Server
By design when you are working with VSS you cannot assign VMs to the same port groups that have VMkernel adapters.
To remediate this configuration issue, please follow any of these two options:
Create new standard port groups with the same configuration as the VMK PGs in your VSS.
Create new port groups in your VDS with the same configuration as your VMK PGs.
NOTE: Please engage your networking team to test connectivity and then you can choose these new Standard port group(s) /dvPGs in your Network Profile from the HCX Manager.
Troubleshooting virtual machine network connection issues
Note: On a virtual standard switch, virtual machines cannot be placed on a vmkernel port group. Standard switches require that each vmkernel has its own port group.
Cross vCenter Migration and Clone requirements in VMware vSphere 6.x and later
Network Profile Considerations and Concepts
Creating a Network Profile
Add a Virtual Machine Port Group
Add a Distributed Port Group