HCX - Resync service mesh: "Error in communicating with remote side to find NSX types"
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HCX - Resync service mesh: "Error in communicating with remote side to find NSX types"


Article ID: 328952


Updated On:


VMware HCX


HCX Migration workflow fails to execute, and the following errors can be seen in the Resync Service Mesh window:

Error 1: Error in communicating with remote side to find NSX types:- Invalid credentials, please retry.

Error 2: Error in communicating with remote side to find NSX types:- A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at character 0 of , please retry.




These errors are caused by authentication issues in site pairing.


NOTE:  Before proceeding with site pairing re-authentication, make sure that you have a valid HCX Manager backup  and snapshot without memory selected of HCX Manager VM.

Here are the steps that you need to follow to re-authenticate the site pairing:

Method 1:

  1. Login to HCX connector
  2. Click on site pairing, select the site paring and click on edit connection
  3. Reenter the cloud-end credential
  4. If you get error A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at character 0 of , please retry. proceed to Method 2

Method 2:

    1. Login to HCX API Explorer: https://<HCX connector-url or IP>/hybridity/docs/index.html
    2. From "Choose Product" drop down select "HCX connector".
    3. ​​​​​​​​​​​First, get the authorization code by using the below API:
      1. Click on Platform ---> /hybridity/API/sessions
      2. Click "Try it out"
      3. Enter HCX Connector username and password and click Execute
      4. Response code should be 200 and at the end you can find the x-hm-authorization token, copy the code for later use.
    4. Now use this authorization code, to authenticate cloud registration.
      1. Click on Cloud Registration and Authorize this API calls:
      2. Enter the value from point 3.IV
      3. Click "Try it out" under "POST /hybridity/api/cloudConfigs" and enter the values of the Cloud HCX manager IP address, Username and password. Click Execute.
      4. Verify response 200 is returned:



Additional Information

HCX - Site Pairing Connectivity Diagnostics

HCX Migration workflow will fail to execute.
Service Mesh appliance fails to upgrade.
Site Pairing is down