Powering on a deployed vApp in VMware vCloud Director 5.5 fails with the error: DV portgroup dvs.pg.uuid is not found in the inventory after creation
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Powering on a deployed vApp in VMware vCloud Director 5.5 fails with the error: DV portgroup dvs.pg.uuid is not found in the inventory after creation


Article ID: 328746


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  • When you power on a vApp, the operation fails.
  • You see the error:

    DV portgroup is not found in the inventory after creation.


This issue occurs when the DVPortGroups has not been updated in vCloud Director 5.5. The task to update vCloud Director from the vCenter Server has not completed.


This is a known issue in VMware vCloud Director 5.5.

This issue is resolved in VMware vCloud Director 5.5.3. To download the latest version go to VMware Download. For more information, see vCloud Director 5.5.3 Release Notes.

Additional Information

VMware vCloud Director 5.5 内でデプロイされた vApp をパワーオンしようとすると、次のエラーで失敗する:DV ポートグループ dvs.pg.uuid が作成後、インベントリ内で見つかりませんでした
在 VMware vCloud Director 5.5 中打开已部署的 vApp 的电源失败并显示“创建 DV 端口组 dvs.pg.uuid 后在清单中找不到它”错误