Upgrade Web Viewer 12.0 to 12.1 When Running Tomcat
Article ID: 32861
Updated On:
Output Management Web Viewer
How to upgrade Web Viewer 12.0 to 12.1 in production while 12.0 is still running. How to cutover or back out. You will be running two versions simultaneously.
Output Management Web Viewer 12.0, 12.1
Apache Tomcat®
Install and Configure the new 12.1 on the production System
Do a new install of 12.1 on the production System
Run the configtool and configure 12.1 based on the 12.0 values. You may use the same database or create a test database.
Change the ports of the new 12.1 production system to test ports:
Edit apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml
Tomcat/Web Viewer uses 8080, 8009, and 8005 by default. You will have to change any of these ports that are in use by the 12.0 production system.
Test the 12.1 production system
Start the 12.1 application
Test it while it is running on the alternate Tomcat ports
Cutover to the New 12.1 System
Stop the 12.1 application
Change the ports of your 12.1 production system to the final production ports
Stop the 12.0 Apache Tomcat
Start the 12.1. The turnover time of the final switch, should be quite fast. Probably one or two minutes.