This article provides a guideline for customers who are transitioning from the legacy Lastline support ticket workflow (Zendesk) and will start filing Support Requests (SR) in VMware’s Customer Connect starting in July 2021. Please review the below matrix of legacy Lastline products and the corresponding VMware NSX product names you should select when opening a new SR. Please select the corresponding VMware Product Name in the “Associated Product(s)” section when logged in to
Customer Connect.
- The legacy Lastline portal is still active for license keys
- For more information on the new portals, see:
Legacy Lastline Product Name*
NSX VMware Product Name
Lastline Enterprise
NSX Defender
Lastline Defender
NSX Defender
Lastline Defender Limited
NSX Defender
Defender for Email
NSX Defender
Defender for Networks
NSX Defender
Lastline Analyst/Analyst Professional
NSX Detonator
Lastline Detonator
NSX Detonator
* Includes Hosted, On-premises, Pinbox and Airgap products