RMA178E in DDLCOMP step of Database Management for Db2 Post Install Compare ssid0000 job
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RMA178E in DDLCOMP step of Database Management for Db2 Post Install Compare ssid0000 job


Article ID: 32859


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The Database Management for Db2 for z/OS Post Install Tailoring ssid0000 Compare job is failing with message:

RMA178E DATASET NAME xxxxxxx.xxxx.DATA.E


If message RMA178E occurs in the DDLCOMP step there is something wrong with the Dataset Name Mask being used.  
This mask is used to generate the dataset names used for utilities in the script such as UNLOAD, LOAD, and COPY.

When generating the COMPARE (ssid0000) job within Post Install a screen is presented with parameters one of them is:

     Dataset Name Mask.........> %USERID..%DSNQUAL2..%DSNQUAL3..%TOSSID

This should not be modified, these are automatic symbolics that will get resolved when executed.  In the generated JCL the mask shows in the DDLCOMP PARMFILE as:


If this is accidentally changed it could cause the data set naming to be incorrect and create duplicates if all the qualifiers do not exist.

The RC/Migrator Guide/Wiki documents how the automatic symbolics above are populated:

  • USERID - Identifies the TSO ID that submitted the analysis.


  • TOSSID - Identifies the To subsystem name.


  • %DSNQUAL2 – Used in data set name qualification and set to a value as follows:

For table- and index-related utilities, this value is the database name (the same as  %DBNAME).

For all other utilities, this value is the object creator (the same as  %CREATOR).


  •         %DSNQUAL3 -  Used in data set name qualification and set to a value as follows:

For table-related utilities, this value is the 3-byte literal TID followed by the object identifier for the table in 5-byte character format. 

For index-related utilities, this value is the index space name (same as %TSNAME).