Cloning a virtual machine from a template or migrating a virtual machine fails when the destination datastore is a Storage DRS POD
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Cloning a virtual machine from a template or migrating a virtual machine fails when the destination datastore is a Storage DRS POD


Article ID: 328582


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  • Cannot clone a virtual machine or deploy a new virtual machine from a template.
  • Cloning a virtual machine from a template or migrating a virtual machine fails when the destination datastore is a Storage DRS POD.
  • Having problems deploying new virtual machines, adding disks to existing virtual machines, and relocating existing virtual machines between datastores.
  • In vCenter Server, cloning a virtual machine from a template fails when the destination datastore is a Storage DRS POD and the storage device has the de-duplication feature turned on. You see an error similar to:

    Insufficient disk space on datastore xxxxx, this error message applies to all datastores in the POD.
  • You may see the error:

    A specified parameter was not correct. StoragePlacementSpec.podSelectionSpec.initialVmConfig[].disk[].diskId
    Error Stack
    Call "StorageResourceManager.RecommendDatastores" for object "StorageResourceManager" on vCenter Server "<vCenter>" failed.
  • The vpxd.log contains entries similar to:

    [06624 error 'Default' opID=task-internal-2-e69d0726-31] DrmFault: reason jointAffin, vm NotFoundObject, host wb_vdi_persistent, fault [class Vim::Fault::NoDiskSpace:000000000BC4E530]
    [06624 error 'Default' opID=task-internal-2-e69d0726-31] FaultArgument: none
    [06624 error 'Default' opID=task-internal-2-e69d0726-31] DrmFault: reason jointAffin, vm NotFoundObject, host wb_vdi_persistent2, fault [class Vim::Fault::NoDiskSpace:000000000BC4C7F0]


This is issue is resolved in:
You can download the latest release, available at VMware Downloads.
To work around this issue in an earlier vCenter Server 5.0 and vCenter Server 5.1 versions:
  1. Disable Storage DRS. To disable Storage DRS:
    1. In the vSphere Client inventory, right-click a datastore cluster and click Edit Settings.
    2. Select Turn off Storage DRS and click OK.
  2. Clone the virtual machine from the template.
  3. Enable Storage DRS.

    To enable Storage DRS:
    1. In the vSphere Client inventory, right-click a datastore cluster and click Edit Settings.
    2. Select Turn on Storage DRS and click OK.

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To be alerted when this document is updated, click the Subscribe to Article link in the Actions box. ターゲット データストアが Storage DRS POD の場合に、テンプレートからの仮想マシンのクローン作成または仮想マシンの移行に失敗する