Performing a vMotion or cold storage and host migration fails at 99% with the error: Invalid configuration for device
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Performing a vMotion or cold storage and host migration fails at 99% with the error: Invalid configuration for device


Article ID: 328470


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Cannot perform a vMotion or cold storage and host migration
  • Performing a vMotion or cold storage and host migration fails at 99%
  • You see these errors:

    • Invalid configuration for device
    • A general system error occurred: Configuration information is inaccessible.

  • vCenter Server is configured with a Distributed Switch.
  • In the hostd.log file on the host, you see entries similar to:

    • DVPort 2582 on dvs bf 3e 23 50 51 1d 42 62-fe f4 cf aa de 2c d5 2c not found
    • Device spec doesn't match up with dvport/dvpg configuration
    • Create failed with given spec: /vmfs/volumes/517998a7-b8590262-xxxx-0025b5010001/VM/VM.vmx

  • In the vpxd.log file, you see the error:

    Get exception while executing action vpx.vmprov.CreateDestinationVm: vim.fault.InvalidDeviceSpec


This issue occurs because the Distributed Switch port is deleted by vCenter Server due to a race condition during a cold migration or vMotion migration.


This issue is resolved in vCenter Server 5.1 Update 1, available at VMware Downloads.

To work around this issue, remove the virtual Ethernet adapter from the virtual machine before performing the migration. After the virtual machine arrives at the destination, the virtual Ethernet adapter can be re-added.

Warning: This workaround will interrupt virtual machine networking and may require that the IP addressing be re-applied within the guest operating system.

Additional Information

vDS への vNIC の接続が次のエラーで失敗する: デバイス「0」では無効な構成です
vMotion またはコールド ストレージおよびホスト移行が 99% の段階で次のエラーで失敗する:デバイスの構成が無効です