Upload renewed Secure Email Gateway V2 certificate
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Upload renewed Secure Email Gateway V2 certificate


Article ID: 328437


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Upload renewed Secure Email Gateway V2 certificate through either the web console or locally on the SEG server itself.


To upload your renewed Secure Email Gateway (SEG) V2 certificate: 

  1. Browse to Email > Email Settings > select EDIT for the appropriate Mobile Email Management configuration > click NEXT to proceed to the Deployment tab.
  2. Scroll to the Server Settings section.
    • If the field Upload Locally is deselected, you can upload your new certificate by selecting CHANGE or RENEW (if already expired). 
    • If the field Upload Locally is selected, connect to your SEG server and run the installation file as an Administrator on the machine. You are prompted to upload the new certificate during the installation.
  3. Restart the Secure Email Gateway Windows service on the SEG server to begin presenting your new certificate.