Searching for virtual machines in the vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client return the error: Search returned no results
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Searching for virtual machines in the vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client return the error: Search returned no results


Article ID: 328435


Updated On:




  • Searching for virtual machines in the vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client returns the error:

    Search returned no results

  • The vSphere Client inventory lists all virtual machines while the vSphere Web Client has missing virtual machines.
  • In the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMware\Infrastructure\Inventory Service\Logs\ds.log file, you see entries similar to:

    [<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time> pool-5-thread-15 DEBUG org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection] Sending request: GET /qs/N2R?urn:vmomi:VirtualMachine:vm-2470:FB46FBB4-3952-4028-A233-BD95438636CC HTTP/1.1
    [<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time> pool-5-thread-15 DEBUG com.vmware.vim.query.server.provider.VmomiAtomPullFeedImpl] Retrieved resource: https://<vcenter_fqdn>:443/qs/N2R?urn:vmomi:VirtualMachine:vm-2470:FB46FBB4-3952-4028-A233-BD95438636CC
    [<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time> pool-5-thread-15 WARN$EntryUtil] Cannot edit document that is not in db. Document: urn:vmomi:VirtualMachine:vm-2470:FB46FBB4-3952-4028-A233-BD95438636CC Library: /vpx/FB46FBB4-3952-4028-A233-BD95438636CC
    <YYYY-MM-DD>T<time> pool-5-thread-15 WARN$PullEntryProcessor] Cannot edit document: Document urn:vmomi:VirtualMachine:vm-2470:FB46FBB4-3952-4028-A233-BD95438636CC not found
    at Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
    at Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
    at Source)

  • When editing the settings of an affected object like a virtual machine, you see this error in the vSphere Client:

The server fault 'InvalidArgument' had no message.

  • In the C:\Users\user_name\Local Settings\AppData\Local\VMware\vpx\viclient.log file, you see entries similar to:

    [viclient:SoapTran:M: 7] <YYYY-MM-DD><time> Invoke 257 Start Reconfigure on VirtualMachine:vm-2470 [vcenter_fqdn]. [operationID:437EDEB6-00000101][Caller: VpxClient.Common.UiCommands+VirtualMachine.Edit]
    [:SoapTran:P:28] <YYYY-MM-DD><time> Invoke 11 Finish TrackTask on VirtualDiskTaskTracker:VirtualDiskTaskTracker [<vcenter_fqdn>] - Serial:0,001, Server:000,077 [ERROR]
    Vmomi.Fault.InvalidArgument: The server fault 'InvalidArgument' had no message.
    select distinct OBJECT_MOID from VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN where OBJECT_MOID not in (select distinct OBJECT_MOID from VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN where OPERATION_TYPE=0);</time></time>


This issue occurs due to the Inventory Service checking the vCenter Server database table VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN for new objects to add to the Inventory Service database.

Each object has an entry in the VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN table related to their creation, which is OPERATION_TYPE equal 0.
The document is not added to Inventory Service database because the creation entry is not present in the VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN table.

Note: The way data is pulled from vCenter Server is changed in vSphere 6.0. This article is only applicable for VMware vCenter Server 5.x.

For example, run this query to get the list of affected objects:

select * from VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN where OBJECT_MOID = 'vm-2470';

You see output similar to:

For example, run this query to get the list of non-affected objects:

select * from VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN where OBJECT_MOID = 'vm-2431';

You see output similar to:


To resolve this issue, truncate the VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN table of the vCenter Server database.

During startup, vCenter Server synchronizes to all hosts in order to have the latest snapshot of data in the database then the VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN table will be re-populated from this data.

To truncate the VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN table:
  1. On the vCenter Server, stop these services in this order:
  2. Connect to the vCenter Server database.

    Note: Ensure to take a backup of the database before proceeding.

  3. Run this query to truncate the VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN table:

    truncate table VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN;

  4. Run this query to ensure that the VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN table is empty:

    select * from VPX_PROPERTY_BULLETIN;

  5. Start the VMware VirtualCenter Server service.

    Note: Allow 2-3 minutes before proceeding.

  6. Start the VMware Inventory Service.

    Note: If there are other products that use the VMware Inventory Service, they may require a restart to function properly.
If this issue persists, open a support request with VMware Support referencing this KB(2124226). For more information, see How to file a Support Request in Customer Connect (2006985).

Additional Information

How to stop, start, or restart vCenter Server services
How to file a Support Request in Customer Connect
Resetting the VMware vCenter Server 5.x Inventory Service database
vSphere Client および vSphere Web Client で仮想マシンを検索すると、次のエラーが表示される: 検索結果がありません
在 vSphere Client 和 vSphere Web Client 中搜索虚拟机时返回错误: 搜索未返回任何结果