DVS port groups duplicated when re-adding ESXi host to vCenter Server
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DVS port groups duplicated when re-adding ESXi host to vCenter Server


Article ID: 328417


Updated On: 10-29-2019


VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides steps to resolve duplicate portgroups when re-adding a ESXi host to the environment.

  • This issue occurs after these steps have been completed:
  1. Create a Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS) and a port group in vCenter Server.
  2. Join the ESXi host to the DVS in vCenter Server.
  3. Create a VM on the ESXi host.
  4. Connected the VM to the port group of the DVS. 
  5. Disconnected the ESXi host from vCenter Server.
  6. Remove the ESXi host from vCenter Server inventory.
  7. Add the ESXi host to vCenter Server inventory again. The ESXi host is not member of the DVS at this time.
  8. Join the ESXi host to the DVS from vCenter Server. At this point the dvport used by the VM will not update the connected VM. vCenter will not have this port assigned and can assign it to another VM causing a conflict.
  • In the vpxd.log file, you see entries similar to:
2019-08-20T02:26:09.323Z warning vpxd[26030] [Originator@6876 sub=corehostSync opID=OpId-1566267958711-ac-01-6b7030c3] Port [1349] existing connectee [vm-68+4000] in conflict with discovered connectee [vm-825+4000]
vpxd-6.log:2019-08-20T02:26:09.417Z warning vpxd[26030] [Originator@6876 sub=corehostSync opID=OpId-1566267958711-ac-01-6b7030c3] Rekeying dvs [DSwitch1] port [1349] to port [c-1878] for connectee [<entity=vm-825 nic=4000 type=vmVnic]



Te resolve this issue, disconnect the host from vCenter Server and reconnect.