ESXi 6.0 host fails with a purple diagnostic screen after upgrading the Mellanox ConnectX3 Ethernet driver to Async version
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ESXi 6.0 host fails with a purple diagnostic screen after upgrading the Mellanox ConnectX3 Ethernet driver to Async version


Article ID: 328339


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VMware vSphere ESXi


  • ESXi 6.0 host fails with a purple diagnostic screen after upgrading the Mellanox ConnectX3 Ethernet driver to Async version
  • After upgrading from nmlx4_en Inbox driver to nmlx4_en Async driver, the ESXi host fails with a purple diagnostic screen.


This issue occurs due to an additional module in the Inbox driver that is not available in the Async driver. This causes an error in the upgrade process from Inbox driver to Async driver, resulting in a purple diagnostic screen failure.

The inbox rdma module must be removed before updating from the nmlx4_en Inbox driver to the nmlx4_en Async driver on ESXi 6.0/6.0U1. Upgrading without removing the rdma module can trigger the purple screen failure.


To prevent this issue, ensure you remove the Inbox RDMA module before upgrading from the nmlx4_en Inbox driver to the nmlx4_en or later Async driver on ESXi 6.0/6.0 Update 1.

To remove the Inbox driver RDMA module and install the new Async driver:
  1. Connect to the ESXi 6.0 console as root. For more information, see Using ESXi Shell in ESXi 5.x and 6.0 (2004746).
  2. Run this command to remove the driver module:

    # esxcli software vib remove -n nmlx4-rdma

  3. To confirm that the driver module is no longer present, run this command:

    # esxcli software vib list | grep nmlx4-rdma

    The expected response is no output.

  4. Install the new Async driver. For more information, see Installing async drivers on VMware ESXi 5.x and ESXi 6.0.x (2005205).

Additional Information

For more information about upgrading or removing vSphere Installation Bundles (VIBs) from ESXi hosts, see the Upgrading Hosts by Using esxcli Commands section of the ESXi and vCenter Server 6.0 Documentation.

The VMware ESXi 6.0 MLNX Native EN Async driver is available at VMware Downloads.

Using ESXi Shell in ESXi 5.x and 6.x
How to download and install async drivers in ESXi 5.x/6.x
将 Mellanox ConnectX3 以太网驱动程序升级到异步版本 后,ESXi 6.0 主机发生故障并显示紫色诊断屏幕
Mellanox ConnectX3 Etherne ドライバを Async バージョン にアップグレードすると ESXi 6.0 ホストで障害が発生して紫色の診断画面が表示される