file contains entries similar to:3196 DEBUG] [installerRunXMLCommand, 435] [ConfigInfoFileManager] name = db_type, value = SQL Server Native Client 11.0
file contains entries similar to:'ProcessMonitor' 10296 WARN] [processMonitor, 127] Failed to open handle for process 8128. Error: 5. Ignoring the process
'ProcessMonitor' 10296 INFO] [processMonitor, 472] Starting managed process java.exe
'ProcessMonitor' 2076 INFO] [processMonitor, 245] Process monitoring started
'SessionMgr' 10296 INFO] [sessionMgr, 80] GetSessionLocale: Initialized server locale object
'InternalScheduledTasksMgr' 10296 INFO] [internalScheduledTasksMgr, 103] Internal Scheduled Task Manager created...
'EmailAlertMgr' 10296 INFO] [emailAlertMgr, 278] Email alert manager created...
'ConfigurationMgr' 10296 INFO] [configurationMgr, 152] Configuration manager created...
'EntityLockingMgr' 10296 INFO] [entityLockingMgr, 62] Entity locking manager created...
'vaCrypto' 10296 INFO] [vaCryptoSupport, 262] vaCrypto Initializing....
'vaCrypto' 10296 INFO] [vaCryptoSupport, 243] Loaded VALM key C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\Update Manager\ssl\valm.key
'HealthServiceMgr' 10296 INFO] [healthServiceMgr, 102] Health service manager created...
'TaskStatsCollector' 10296 INFO] [taskStatsCollector, 74] Task statistics collector created...
'Activation.trace' 10296 INFO] [activationValidator, 1263] Trace objects loaded.
'VcIntegrityPlugin' 10296 INFO] [plugin, 252] VcIntegrityPlugin Init
'VcIntegrityPlugin' 10296 INFO] [plugin, 282] Add callback to Ufa Shutdown manager.
'VcIntegrity' 10296 INFO] [vcIntegrity, 809] Initializing database
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.