Setting a secure password for Jetty
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Setting a secure password for Jetty


Article ID: 32797


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CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) INTROSCOPE



   Needing to change or set the secure password for Jetty on the Enterprise Manager.   


APM 10.7, but should apply to most versions of APM. Also, the Jetty version was 9.4.30.


This will allow you to change the password for Jetty to make the password secure and not 'password"

Steps to make the change

  When needing to change or reset the password for Jetty, do the following:

   -Find the file jetty-util-<version>.jar (ex: jetty-util-9.4.30.v20200611.jar), Once you find it, then change to the folder where it was found.

Here is a Windows example for the file:  (ex. C:\CA APM\Introscope10.7.0.90\product\enterprisemanager\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\195\1\.cp)

And a Linux equivalent: (ex. /root/Introscope10.7.0.90/product/enterprisemanager/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/195/1/.cp)

   -  To run these commands, go to the Command Line Interface and make sure that you are in the correct folder:

java -cp jetty-util-9.4.30.v20200611.jar;jetty-util-9.4.30.jar <user> <new password> 

(Windows will use the ";" Semicolon and Unix will use the ":" colon)

  -Once this change is complete then also update the new password in em-jetty-config.xml.

   Refer to the"APM Configuration and Administration Guide"  section: Modify the em-jetty-config.xml to set the password.


Additional Information

 Depending on the the Jetty version, the command may be a little different.  If you Google Search for "",  then you will find any differences  or explanations.