How to disable TKG telemetry Service
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How to disable TKG telemetry Service


Article ID: 327782


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VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid


VMware’s Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) is a voluntary program that collects information about how people use our products.

The data collected may include device identifiers and information that identifies your users. This data is collected to enable VMware to diagnose and improve its products and services, fix product issues, provide proactive technical support, and to advise you on how to best deploy and use our products.

When a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Management cluster is deployed, participation in the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) is enabled by default. The TKG Telemetry service is responsible for gathering the required CEIP related data and sending it to VMware. There is no option to directly disable this service from the UI. 





1.x , 2.x


When customers opt in for the VMware CEIP program, the TKG Telemetry service gathers the below information from the management clusters sends it to VMware: 

The number of workload clusters that you deploy.

The infrastructure, network, and storage providers that you use.

The time that it takes for the tanzu CLI to perform basic operations such as cluster create, cluster delete, cluster scale, and cluster upgrade.

The Tanzu Kubernetes Grid packages that you implement.

The plans that you use to deploy clusters, as well as the number and configuration of the control plane and worker nodes.

The versions of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid and Kubernetes that you use.

The type and size of the workloads that your clusters run, as well as their lifespan.

Whether or not you integrate Tanzu Kubernetes Grid with vSphere with Tanzu, Tanzu Mission Control, or Tanzu Observability by Wavefront.

The nature of any problems, errors, and failures that you encounter when using Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, so that we can identify which areas of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid need to be made more robust.

If a user prefers to not to share their information to VMware later, there is no option to Opt out of the CEIP program from the UI. 



If you are using TKG versions below 2.5 

See CEIP Status

To see the management cluster’s current CEIP status:

  1. Export the kubeconfig targeting your management cluster to an environment variable, KUBECONFIG
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
  1. Run the tanzu telemetry status command to see the CEIP status of the current management cluster, for example:
- ceip: |
    level: standard
  1. The output CEIP standard listing indicates CEIP status:
  • standard, or no status listed: CEIP participation is enabled on a management cluster and it sends telemetry data. This is the default behavior.
    • disabled: CEIP participation is deactivated.

Opt Out of CEIP

To deactivate CEIP participation on a management cluster on which it is currently activated:

  1. Run the tanzu telemetry update --CEIP-opt-out command.
tanzu telemetry update --CEIP-opt-out
  1. To verify that the CEIP participation is deactivated, run tanzu telemetry status again.
  2. The status should now be false.
- ceip: |
    level: disabled
shared_identifiers: ...
  1. CEIP being deactivated does not remove the cron job from the management cluster. The cron job is responsible for checking if CEIP is deactivated/activated. The job should log that whether it is not collecting telemetry. To verify if the cron job is sending telemetry or not, we need to check the logs of the pod created by the telemetry cron job.

Run the following command to view all pods in the telemetry namespace:

kubectl get pods -n tkg-system-telemetry

The output should look something like:

NAME                             READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
tkg-telemetry-1657519200-l8k9x   0/1     Completed   0          14h
tkg-telemetry-1657540800-j4dzw   0/1     Completed   0          8h
tkg-telemetry-1657562400-pj826   0/1     Completed   0          125m

Pick the most recent completed pod and check its logs using the following command:

kubectl logs pods/tkg-telemetry-1657562400-pj826 -n tkg-system-telemetry

The logs should contain the following lines, indicating that no data was collected

2024-08-13T12:35:54.830Z    INFO    CEIP.config    vmware/ceip_validator.go:77    loaded config    {"cluster[level]": "disabled"}
2024-08-13T12:35:54.830Z    INFO    workspace/main.go:57    cluster is opted out of telemetry, aborting collection  


If you are on TKGm 2.5 and above the please follow the below procedure 

See CEIP Status

To see the management cluster’s current CEIP status:

  1. Export the kubeconfig targeting your management cluster to an environment variable, KUBECONFIG
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
  1. Run the tanzu telemetry participation status command to see the CEIP status of the current management cluster, for example:
- ceip: |
  level: standard
  1. The output CEIP standard listing indicates CEIP status:
  • standard, or no status listed: CEIP participation is enabled on a management cluster and it sends telemetry data. This is the default behavior.
    • disabled: CEIP participation is deactivated.

Opt Out of CEIP

To deactivate CEIP participation on a management cluster on which it is currently activated:

  1. Run the tanzu telemetry participation update --CEIP-opt-Out command.
tanzu telemetry participation update --CEIP-opt-Out
  1. To verify that the CEIP participation is deactivated, run tanzu telemetry participation status again.
  2. The status should now be false.
- ceip: |
  level: disabled
  1. CEIP being deactivated does not remove the cron job from the management cluster. The cron job is responsible for checking if CEIP is deactivated/activated. The job should log that whether it is not collecting telemetry. To verify if the cron job is sending telemetry or not, we need to check the logs of the pod created by the telemetry cron job.

Run the following command to view all pods in the telemetry namespace:

kubectl get pods -n tkg-system-telemetry
Trigger job and delete the job after to verify immediately the result:
kubectl create job -n tkg-system-telemetry --from=cronjob.batch/tkg-telemetry test
kubectl get job,pod -n tkg-system-telemetry
kubectl logs pod/test-<ID> -n tkg-system-telemetry

The output should look something like:

NAME                             READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
tkg-telemetry-1657519200-l8k9x   0/1     Completed   0          14h
tkg-telemetry-1657540800-j4dzw   0/1     Completed   0          8h
tkg-telemetry-1657562400-pj826   0/1     Completed   0          125m

Pick the most recent completed pod and check its logs using the following command:

kubectl logs pods/tkg-telemetry-1657562400-pj826 -n tkg-system-telemetry

The logs should contain the following lines, indicating that no data was collected

2024-08-13T12:35:54.830Z    INFO    CEIP.config    vmware/ceip_validator.go:77    loaded config    {"cluster[level]": "disabled"}
2024-08-13T12:35:54.830Z    INFO    workspace/main.go:57    cluster is opted out of telemetry, aborting collection  



Deploy Management Cluster using configuration file and deactivate participation in the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) by setting ENABLE_CEIP_PARTICIPATION to false.


For example:

#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#! Basic cluster creation configuration
#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

CLUSTER_NAME: aws-mgmt-cluster


Additional Information

Official documentation for tanzu cli enable