- Failed to start the virtual machine. Module ‘Disk power on failed.
- File system specific implementation of LookupAndOpen[file] failed
- Remote disconnected Failed to establish transport connection (9): There is no VMware process running for config file "datastore/directory/VMNAME.vmx "
- Could not power on virtual machine: Out of memory.
- PANIC: VERIFY bora/mks/main/mksThread.c:96
Insufficient Overhead Memory Allocation for Powering On Large VMs
This is Fixed in vSphere 7.0
***Before you execute this workaround please open a support request.****
Before the following steps you need to try a VM power on several times for a VM successfully powered on.
Increase Configured memory reservation.
1. Confirm VMX Cartel ID of a Virtual Machin with the following command
esxcli vm process list
example result)
World ID: 191763
Process ID: 0
VMX Cartel ID: 191762 ****
UUID: 56 4d b1 61 4c 53 ## ##-## ## ## d5 30
Display Name: test256VM
Config File: /vmfs/volumes/########-####-########d470/test256VM/test256VM.vmx
VMX Cartel ID is 191762 in this sample
2. Confirm peak value for requested memory reservation with the following command
memstats -r group-stats -s rMinPeak:name:min -u mb
example result
In this example you seek uw.191762
gid name min rMinPeak
514242 uw.191762 39 73*****
min is Configured memory reservation.
rMinPeak is peak value for requested memory reservation.
In this example 73 is peak value for requested memory reservation.
3. Set Configured memory reservation
1) Edit setting>VM options>Advanced>Edit Configuration
2) Add parameter sched.mem.vmxMin
3) set value greater than rMinPeak value.
We need change min greater than rMinPeak value. In this example min should be greater than 73.
So you need to set sched.mem.vmxMin rMinPeak value + 10% buffer MB.