Smarts IP: How are input / output packet error alerts calculated in Smarts Availability Manager and Smarts Performance Manager?
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Smarts IP: How are input / output packet error alerts calculated in Smarts Availability Manager and Smarts Performance Manager?


Article ID: 327744


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How are input/output packet error alerts calculated by Smarts IP Manager (Smarts Availability Manager and Smarts Performance Manager)?

The calculations involved in input/output packet error alerts are based on threshold settings and instrumentation dump values taken from the device's interface during a Smarts IP Availability and Performance Manager polling cycle. Input or output can each generate these values and both are computed values. These calculations are as follows:

refine computed HighErrorRate_attributes_From_Instr
"Returns event data for the HighErrorRate event."
= "THRESHOLD PCT   InputPacketErrorPct   > ErrorThreshold"
"          PPS   InputPacketRate       - -"
"          PPS   InputPacketErrorRate  > MinimumErrorRate"
"          PCT   OutputPacketErrorPct  > ErrorThreshold"
"          PPS   OutputPacketRate      - -"
"          PPS   OutputPacketErrorRate > MinimumErrorRate"
"          -     Type                  - -"
"    BYTES MaxTransferUnit       - -"
"          BIPS  MaxSpeed              - -"
"    -     DuplexMode            - -";
readonly computed attribute float OutputPacketErrorPct  "The rate of output error packets expressed as a percentage of "
"total packets sent."
= ((OutputPacketErrorRate / OutputPacketRate) * 100) else 0.0; readonly computed attribute float OutputPacketErrorRate  "The rate of packets sent with errors expressed in packets per "
= ifOutErrorsRate;
attribute float ifOutErrorsRate
"The rate of outbound packets, expressed in packets per second, "
"that could not be transmitted because of errors."
= 0.0

Additional Information

InputPacketErrorPct, OutputPacketErrorRate OutputPacketRate and so on are all computed instrumented values that can be found in the interface's instrumentation values.