Smarts ESM: How can I disable WMI discovery in ESM?
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Smarts ESM: How can I disable WMI discovery in ESM?


Article ID: 327739


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can I disable WMI discovery in EMC Server Manager (ESM)?

To disable WMI discovery in EMC Server Manager, the IsWMI flag must be set to FALSE in the ESM.import file. The ESM.import file will be in one of the following locations, depending on whether the default file has been modified using sm_edit or not:
  • smarts/conf/esm/ESM.import
  • smarts/local/conf/esm/ESM.import

Additional Information

If the default file has been modified using sm_edit, the file will be in the /local/conf path.
To enable WMI discovery, set the flag IsWMI = TRUE