Every time a device is discovered in a Smarts IP domain, both that domain and the Smarts SAM domain subscribed to it are synchronized. In particular, changes to the ICF_TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt attribute in the Smarts IP domain, which is subscribed to by the connected Smarts SAM domain, is what triggers the topology synchronization between the domains.
Therefore, you can monitor changes in the ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt attribute of Smarts SAM domains and underlying Smarts IP domains to determine domain synchronization. This is done using an sm_adapter command run on both Smarts SAM and Smarts IP domains. To signify synchronization between Smarts SAM and Smarts IP domains, look for a change in the ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt attribute logged in the Smarts SAM output and the corresponding output from a particular Smarts IP domain.
The following sections provide the sm_adapter command syntax required and example output for commands run on both Smarts SAM and Smarts IP domains.
Smarts SAM domains - Checking ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt
In Smarts SAM domains, run the following sm_adapter command to check the ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt:
C:\Incharge7\SAM\smarts\bin> sm_adapter -s <SAM_DOMAIN_NAME> --subscribeProp=ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt
Example Command Output
1277993063"ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE"ICF_TopologyManager"ICF-opologyManager"lastProbeFinishedAt"01-Jul-2010 7:27:00 PM India Standard Time"
1277993111"ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE"ICF_TopologyManager"ICF-TopologyManager"lastProbeFinishedAt"01-Jul-2010 7:35:12 PM India Standard Time"
Smarts IP domains - Checking ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt
In Smarts IP domains, run the following sm_adapter command to check the ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt attribute:
C:\Incharge7\SAM\smarts\bin>sm_adapter -s <IP_DOMAIN_NAME> --subscribeProp=ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt
Example Command Output
1277993309"ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE"ICF_TopologyManager"ICF-TopologyManager"lastProbeFin ishedAt"01-Jul-2010 7:35:11 PM India Standard Time"
1277993324"ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE"ICF_TopologyManager"ICF-TopologyManager"lastProbeFin ishedAt"01-Jul-2010 7:31:52 PM India Standard Time"