No, you cannot do these tasks using DMCTL. However, you can use a Smarts Adapter Scripting Language (ASL) script to achieve this functionality. The ASL code at the end of this Fix statement allows you to do the following:
IMPORTANT! This code is provided as is, and is not GA code that can be used as a template to modify polling groups.
Using the ASL code
To use the ASL code in the following section, use Smarts sm_edit and copy the code into a new file called ic-create-polling-group.asl. This file can then be saved to any location and run with the command:
./sm_adapter -b <broker> -s <server> ic-create-polling-group.asl
ASL code
/* J+ */
/* ic-create-polling-group.asl
* Copyright 1998-2006 by EMC Corporation ("EMC").
* All rights reserved.
* notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of this
* software. Disclosure and dissemination are pursuant to separate
* agreements. Unauthorized use, distribution or dissemination are strictly
* prohibited.
* To Run the script
* ./sm_adapter -b <broker> -s <server> ic-create-polling-group.asl
pollingGroup = object("SelectiveConfiguration","CFG-Polling Groups");
do {
/* Create new polling group Object */newPollingGroupObj = pollingGroup->makeConfiguration("TEST") ? IGNORE;
searchpattern = "ICF_ConfigurationSelector::S-CFG-Polling Groups/TEST";
foreach icfConfSelName (pollingGroup->Selects) {
icfConfSelObj = object(icfConfSelName);
configpattern = "CFG-Polling Groups/TEST";
configClass = object("Configuration", configpattern);
if (glob(searchpattern,icfConfSelName)) {
provSettingName = "SET-CFG-Polling Groups/TEST/Connectivity_ExternalPolling_Setting";
/* Create Connectivity External Polling Setting for TEST Polling Group */provSettingObj = create("Connectivity_ExternalPolling_Setting", provSettingName);
configClass->ComposedOf += provSettingObj;
criter = icfConfSelObj->criteria;
icfConfSelObj->criteria = list();
subcriteria = list("Model", "JMC");
icfConfSelObj->criteria += subcriteria;
subcriteria2 = list("Type", "SWITCH");
icfConfSelObj->criteria += subcriteria2;/* To ADD more criteria , create list like above and attach the list to icfConfSelObj->criteria */
icfConfSelObj->Priority = 0;