How to get truss, gcore and threads output to troubleshoot Smarts server performance.
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How to get truss, gcore and threads output to troubleshoot Smarts server performance.


Article ID: 327713


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How to get truss, gcore and threads output to troubleshoot Smarts server performance.

Truss: truss -feal -o sm_truss.out -p <pid> This will create a truss file called sm_truss in the directory that you executed the command.  <pid> is the pid of the sm_server process.  Please run this for several minutes and send the output file. Gcore: gcore -o sm_gcore.out <pid> This will create a core file of process <pid>.  This will can be very large depending on the size of the process.  Please gzip and ftp to us.  FTP Instructions are below. Threads: dmctl -s odisc getThreads > threads_odisc.out This will create a file in the directory where you ran the dmctl command.  Please send the output file.