[14-Jul-2008 04:50:42 PM+089ms BST] t@60 Discovery #4
SWFE-W-ETIMEOUT-GET_NEXT request timed out for Agent : x.x.x.x, OID:
SNMP-ERESPONSE-No response from x.x.x.x, port 161
The snoop output shows a trap generated by the device's agent as a response to the get-next-request as in the following example:
Simple Network Management Protocol
version: version-1 (0)
community: ABC@2trap
Simple Network Management Protocol
version: version-1 (0)
community: ABC
data: trap (4)
enterprise: (SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9.1.217)
agent-addr: x.x.x.x (x.x.x.x)
generic-trap: authenticationFailure (4)
Another Example for SNMP Timeout issue:
Basically when a walk request is sent to the device SNMP agent process, the expectation is to get a response with the data or respond with "NoSuchInstance" and timing out is not a valid response:
The OID that the device was timing out was as follows:
This is a multicast discovery OID and used to populate the "MCAST_TopologyCollection" class as part of the end device probe.
After loading the MIB walk file in EMC lab machine; performed a manual SNMP walk on the above OID - . and below is the response:
$ ./sm_snmp.exe -c public -s 2c -d <Device IP> -p <Domain Port> walk .
SNMP Walk MIB starting at .
. = 1
. = 1
With respect to the above output; there is an output and a valid response. Even "NoSuchInstance" response is considered a valid response.
Same command has been executed in user environment against the device <"Problamatic Device"> and observe the below output.
[root@xxxx bin]# ./sm_snmp -c <community_string> -s 2c -d <Device IP> -p <Domain Port> walk .
SNMP Walk MIB starting at .
[July 11, 2016 2:47:07 PM GMT+01:00 +898ms] t@2097300336 <Primary Thread>
SNMP-E-ERESPONSE-No response from, port 51309
SNMP-ETIMEOUT-Timed out; in file "/work/tancurrent/DMT-" at line 1337
With respect to the above output; its timing out.