Smarts SAM: How to manually save Smarts SAM configuration changes to the Repository (RPS file)
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Smarts SAM: How to manually save Smarts SAM configuration changes to the Repository (RPS file)


Article ID: 327694


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How to manually save Smarts SAM configuration changes to the Repository (RPS file)
How often are Smarts SAM configuration changes automatically saved to the Repository (RPS file)?

Smarts SAM configuration changes are automatically saved to the Repository (RPS file) every hour. However, you can initiate the Smarts SAM save operation manually whenever you desire and reduce the risk of losing Smarts SAM configuration changes even further. This may be done to account for events such as unexpected or intermittent hardware/software failures that can occur in less stable environments. To manually initiate the Smarts SAM save operation to the Repository, run the following dmctl command:

dmctl  -s  <DOMAIN_NAME>  invoke  ICF_PersistenceManager::ICF-PersistenceManager  save