Smarts SAM/SCOM Adapter: What device types will be exported into SCOM from Smarts?
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Smarts SAM/SCOM Adapter: What device types will be exported into SCOM from Smarts?


Article ID: 327693


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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


What device types will be exported into SCOM from Smarts?

On start-up, the Smarts SCOM Adapter will import all UnitaryComputerSystems from the servers listed in TOPOLOGY_DOMAIN_NAMES in the adapter.conf configuration file into SCOM. Note the following about this operation:

  • Only systems residing within Smarts IP servers are supported
  • A given Smarts IP server has to have a special library loaded  (sm_topo_fetch) to complete the export
  • The SCOM topology is not really being imported from Smarts SAM. Instead, the topology is imported from Smarts IP servers that are assumed to be connected to Smarts SAM