Smarts IP: Does every warm start / cold start create an alert?
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Smarts IP: Does every warm start / cold start create an alert?


Article ID: 327692


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VMware Smart Assurance



Does every warm start/cold start create an alert?


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


There is not a one-to-one relationship between cold/warm starts and the alerts.

IP Availability Manager places the device on the Pending Devices list and generates a SystemRestarted or ConfigChange trap for input to the EMC Smarts Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform (Adapter Platform).

When IP Availability Manager creates and sends a SystemRestarted or ConfigChange trap to the EMC Smarts Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform (Adapter Platform). The Adapter Platform, in turn, transforms the SystemRestarted or ConfigChange trap to a SystemRestarted or ConfigChange event, for import as a notification by the Global Manager.

Use the Polling and Thresholds Console to change the associated thresholds for the events and the trap messages received from the network that trigger the events.